The disease called man

This phrase is F. Nietzsche and mean: the human being is a paradoxical, and are sick, live in it the holy and the murderer. Biological anthropologists, and other cosmologists say: Man is simultaneously wise and demented angel and demon, day-yes-metabolic and symbolic names.
Freud would say that there prevail two basic instincts: one who loves life and enriches life and another death that seeks the destruction and want to kill. It is worth emphasizing: it coexist simultaneously the two forces.
Therefore, our existence is not simple but complex and dramatic. But the predominant will to live and then everything radiates and grows. At another point, wins the game will kill and then erupt violence and crimes like that which occurred recently.
We can overcome this disruption in humans? Was the question A. Einstein put it in a letter dated July 30, 1932 S. Freud: "There is the possibility of directing psychic evolution as to make humans more capable of resisting the psychosis of hate and destruction"?
Freud said realistically: "There is hope in a straightforward way of suppressing human aggression. What we can do is go through indirect pathways, reinforcing the principle of life (Eros) against the principle of death (Thanatos). And it ends with a resigned expression, "think of the hungry mill that grinds slowly so that we may die of hunger before receiving a meal." Is this our fate?
Why write all this? It is because of the insane that on April 7 in a school in a district of Rio de Janeiro bullet killed 12 innocent students aged 13-15 years and left 12 injured.
Already made a number of tests, numerous measures have been suggested as restricting the sale of weapons, police set up security arrangements in each school and others. All this has its effect. But do not go to the bottom of it.
The size killer, concrete, and we are humble, dwells in every one of us. We have instincts to attack and kill. It's the human condition, never mind the interpretations we give to you. The sublimation and anti-denial of reality does not help us. It should embrace it and find ways to keep it under control and prevent flood the consciousness, pumping the life instinct and take the reins.
Freud suggested as well: everything that makes creating emotional bonds between human beings, all civilization, all education, all art and all competition for the best, works against the aggression and death.
Leonardo Boff

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