
Ano A - Dia: 19/04/2011

Judas e Pedro na Ceia com o MestreLeitura Orante

Jo 13,21-33.36-38

"Em verdade... vos digo: um de vós me entregará"... Bem ao lado de Jesus estava reclinado um dos seus discípulos, aquele que Jesus mais amava... O discípulo, então... perguntou: "Senhor, quem é?" Jesus respondeu: "É aquele a quem eu der um bocado...". Então, Jesus molhou um bocado e deu a Judas Iscariotes... Jesus, então, lhe disse: "O que tens a fazer, faze logo"... Então, depois de receber o bocado, Judas saiu imediatamente. Era noite. Depois que Judas saiu, Jesus disse: "Agora foi glorificado o Filho do Homem, e Deus foi glorificado nele. Se Deus foi glorificado nele, Deus também o glorificará em si mesmo, e o glorificará logo. Filhinhos, por pouco tempo eu ainda estou convosco... : 'Para onde eu vou, vós não podeis ir'". Simão Pedro perguntou: "Senhor, para onde vais?... Eu darei minha vida por ti!" Jesus respondeu: "Darás tua vida por mim? Em verdade, em verdade, te digo: não cantará o galo antes que me tenhas negado três vezes".

Janis Joplin

Janis Joplin

The Great

British royal wedding will be broadcast on YouTube

Officials at Buckingham Palace will offer a live broadcast of the royal wedding on April 29 between Prince William and Kate Middleton, monarchy through the Channel on YouTube. Live coverage will include the four-hour ceremony in Westminster Abbey, the procession to the palace and the fulfillment of the couple at the counter enclosure, where it is hoped that give the first kiss after the wedding.
The press office of William also offer a live blog with commentary and historical information and additional videos. "The couple wants to find a balance between a day that is sacred and intimate and one day it will be cause for global celebration," said today a spokesman for St James's Palace, requesting anonymity. "For this, they want the wedding to be as accessible to as many people as possible and that is why we are communicating in this way (virtual)."
The officials noted that the couple is heavily involved in planning the marriage. "William and Catherine enjoyed fully in the process of creating this special day. They are responsible for everything from the smallest details, such as canapés reception, to major decisions such as carriages," said one official.
Photos on Flickr
The officials said they will be the first time that YouTube will present a live blog along with the simultaneous transmission of an event. The palace also plans to release additional photos of the royal wedding on Flickr, and strengthen the coverage on the official marriage.
An official program will be sold to the crowds that gather to watch the real caravan, two pounds ($ 3.20). The memory will the new coat of arms of Middleton, where the acorns (a kind of oak) symbolize the strength and continuity. The shield released on Tuesday was approved by Thomas Woodcock, who advises the Queen Elizabeth II in the delivery of coats of arms and other ceremonial matters. The coat of arms has a bar-shaped symbol, representing the mountains and hills, in allusion to the outdoor activities that the family enjoys. The information is from the Associated Press.


新闻办公室的威廉还提供一个评论和历史信息和其他视频直播博客。 “这对夫妻希望找到之间的一天,是神圣的,亲切,有一天它会造成全球庆祝平衡,说:”今天的圣詹姆斯宫发言人要求匿名。“为此,他们希望婚礼作为访问尽可能多的人,这就是为什么我们以这种方式(虚拟)沟通。”
该官员指出,这对夫妻在很大程度上涉及的婚姻规划。 “威廉和凯瑟琳充分享有在这特殊的日子创造的过程。它们是一切从最小的细节,如小吃接待,车厢等重大决策负责,”一位官员说。

Fighting hunger machines with open source

On a visit to Ethiopia in 2009, I spoke with a citizen who told me that the problem was not so much the availability of arable land, but the lack of machines that would permit the production productively.
Marcin Jakubowski, a Polish expatriate living in Missouri, may have a solution to this problem: open source machines.
Jakubowski is the founder of Open Source Ecology, a consortium dedicated to the idea that sustainability should not entail sacrifices in quality of life. The network of farmers and engineers who managed to organize Jakubowski is building what could be described as the lego of agriculture, a set of industrial machines known as Construction Kit Global Village ("Global Village Construction Set," or GVCS)
The GVCS is a collection of 50 machines made to work with each other, and meet the needs of villages around the world, using only locally available materials and tools.
In fact, some of the tools in GVCS aim to maintain and make other tools, such as the 3D printer.
There is even an extractor aluminum clay kit and a compression block of land to make bricks.
Not all machines in the set is complete, although there are prototypes.
What is most important, all devices in the collection are free specifications. To the extent that more devices are built, bugs are resolved, and specifications developed.
I heard about the project in a video Jakuwski recent Ted Talks, although the project is being developed since 2003.
When you see the presentation of Jakubowski, I was impressed about how the simple concept of open source hardware could extend the benefits of Open Source solutions that can improve the lives of even more fundamental. Open source can bring knowledge and education, but the hardware can help to free food and shelter.
As with any project, there are challenges that the Open Source Ecology need to address. But the collaborative effort they have made so far is really impressive and worth being seen by their compatriots in the Free Software community.


