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Flying to the experts, journalists and many, many curious, those leaning to "belly on the counter" of several bars in Brazil, in attempts to identify the causes of failure and success of national education 

An old adage asserts that the success of the dealer is not good unglue the "belly of the counter" in a metaphor - unhealthy - on the need for the presence of responsible business conduct in this incessantly and tirelessly. In national education, as always occurs after the release of the results of indices, such as note ENEM IDEB and municipalities, flying to the experts, journalists and many, many curious, those leaning to "belly on the counter" of several bars Brazil, in attempts to identify the causes of failure and success of national education, mirrored in data from these instruments.
The cause is the lack of a policy meritrocacia for teachers, say some. Investment in education systems, others speak. Support equipment and educational structure of schools is also cited as a source of success. As another saying also says, at such times the "ugly son has no father," but parents are left to their children beautiful, where everyone wants to be part of a collaborative effort of the success of municipalities and schools, and few look at the navel, in search to find the causes of failures measured at other institutions.
Initially, the framework of national education-and local-made for these indices can not be connected directly to a cause or even a set of them. It would ignore the contradictions that prevail in our society, the historical issues involving national education and even the political and economic conjunctures, the result of geopolitical orders. Simplify it all in simple causes to explain the particular index would be nice, friendly conversation with the "belly on the counter," but would not withstand a more accurate analysis of the issue of Brazilian education.
But then, these indices and surveys are worthless?Absolutely! Are valuable information, and indicate situations that allow the monitoring of local and temporal impacts of educational policy in order to guide discussions and educational policy. These data are not oracles miraculous reliable mirrors of reality in numbers, but they serve as bases for the evaluation of educational policy and its actors, such as components suitcase.
Like any information expressed in numbers, information from these instruments deserve careful readings, contextualized than local labels and methods of teaching, or even serving as scientific evidence that a particular formula or pedagogical fad is really the solution. Who works with education, with social issues, know that it definitely does not exist. Education is embodied in historical time, the result of joint action of the state, family, teachers and the students themselves, in a socio-economic situation, where it is complex to identify the factors that contribute decisively to this success measured .
Despite this harsh reality, one of those actors involved are little remembered in the speeches made about the successes, despite making it always mentioned when speaking of those failures are detected. We speak of those who actually are with the "belly on the counter," when it comes to education: the teacher.
Proletarian in private, with historical difficulties of better pay in public. Wrapped in a customer-supplier relationship as a service provider, the primary education teacher works with people in their youth, and faces challenges to be there, as orchestrator component of the teaching-learning process, intensified and ancillary functions other roles in complementing the failure of other institutions. About teaching, personified form, rests the responsibility for education, not being remembered in moments of glory.
Thanks to his efforts incessantly all dedication to the belly on the counter, strengthening the processes of mediation in the work of Vigotzky quoted, follows the teacher from teaching fads, drugs, school violence, organizing events, family problems and another student multitude of tasks and problems, to yet, thinking about the future of those who sit in school, do their job.
Valuing the teacher is to value it socially. It's not just salary! It is worthy and attractive salary, ongoing training, material working conditions, career opportunities, rights and duties well established and respected, democratic management and also a process of evaluation of their work involving the various issues of teaching and learning and not simply measured by indexes.
Without real and effective appreciation of the teacher-education component, add little of modern equipment, schools, beautiful, well-nourished children, good teaching materials. These resources can not do without the intermediation of the professor, because the magic of learning can not acquire its excellence without the presence of another human being who has the task of engaging all the equipment, buildings and students in a dance of knowledge to be built With much sweat 

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