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Global Warming

Global warming is devouring the Arctic coasts, where erosion of up to 10 m per year are affecting communities and threatening the survival of species of local plants and animals. This is the main conclusion of a double blind study published Sunday by a consortium of 30 scientists from 10 countries discussed the situation of 100,000 km of coastline and land borders to the equivalent of eight countries bordering the north by the Arctic Ocean.
"It appears that the erosion of the coastline of the Arctic is accelerating dramatically. The average cut is about half a meter a year, but in some areas is up to 10 m per year," says Volker Rachold, researcher at the Alfred Wegener Institute Potsdam , Germany.
The worst affected areas are, according to the scientific report, the Laptev Sea and eastern Siberia, both in Russia and the Beaufort Sea, which borders the coasts of Canada and Alaska, the United States. The study warns that as the shores of the Arctic represent a third of the total coast of the planet, "the erosion may come to affect huge areas in the future."This coastal retreat is due, no doubt, global warming, a problem that worsens in the Arctic Circle, where the increments fold increase global medium heat, explains the German investigator.
The process is unfreezing part of climatological coastal permafrost, the layer of permafrost soil surface levels typical of very cold regions. "We see rapid changes in a situation that remained stable for millennia," denounces the study, the first comprehensive character which analyzes the physical (geological and chemical), environmental and human erosion of the Arctic coast.
Its impact is "substantial" to Arctic ecosystems and the coastal human population settled in these regions, says the document "State of the Arctic coast in 2010, 170 pages, available on the Internet. Those most affected by the changes are wild animals that inhabit these regions, especially large herds of reindeer, and the fragile ecosystems of freshwater lakes near the coast.
The man is affected by this serious erosion, but given the small population in the planet's northernmost coast, the study depicts that more as an incentive problem as a victim in this environmental compartment.

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