Sou antiraças

Não Sou apenas antiracistas, sou antiraças Não reconheço a raça Vermelha Amarela Branca Preta Azul ou qualquer outra cor com que queiram def...


If there is a legacy of slavery, this is portrayed and defined relationships of owners with house-maids who, in some ways resemble those of you entertained between the main house and slave quarters of the inhabitants. Until one day, this work continued day and night, without time to rest, was paid to sleep in one of the bays of the house and with different power consumed by the bosses, by you. And, often, as the former slaves, were grazing the sexual appetites of the bosses and the bosses of the children. If they fell pregnant, unlucky them: their way was the street address and, thereafter, prostitution.
Made in Paraguay
O Estado de S. Paulo reported that the madams São Paulo discovered a new source of domestic and not more than the Northeast in the last eight years have freed themselves from misery.Paraguayan girls are in exchange for home and low wages.
With the urbanization of the country were set up in city employment opportunities for poor girls and many of them have specialized courses in a trade and become hairdressers or massage, getting rid of the condition of chauffeurs stove. Started selling its services to the market with decent pay, without doubt, superior to paid to maids that nobody else wants to be.
Media recognizes
The mainstream media tried to ignore the problem of shortage of manpower for homework that the principle was due to low salaries. After that there was no lack arms. It's that people, even the most humble, do not want to perform duties at a home, without the full exercise of their labor rights, beginning with the wages received and hours of work to be done. It was found that there are some who want to work. Lack who is subject to the old treatment, released the slaves.
How do I get the impression that this provision of manpower Paraguay will soon be exhausted, why not refer to Africa, as in the past. The solution will be importing more than black come stacked in holds of ships for the humiliation of the slave quarters, but will accept many sacrifices, for subsistence.
More creches
As everyone wants to work in factories, offices, beauty salons, who leave their children? Can not lock them up at home during the workday, but the TV and the police give up and paint workers as criminals. Therefore, demand the federal government and the municipal government of Fortaleza that multiply nursery officers to poor mothers are able to work quietly.
The day care officer for the poor mothers who need to work is a requirement of social change in the country because the old family, the mother or grandmother stayed at home, without having to do has also changed. She needs to come out fighting, as the daughters, in search of sustenance. Then the output is to deliver the heirs to the government, hoping that he takes care of them well so that mothers can take hours, in his work, without worries or concerns with the heirs.
Lustosa da Costa

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