Sou antiraças

Não Sou apenas antiracistas, sou antiraças Não reconheço a raça Vermelha Amarela Branca Preta Azul ou qualquer outra cor com que queiram def...

The minutes of goofiness

Is that only in my family has so many "monkeys"? I wonder if we are a family of lunatics, or if the otherfamilies in this "land of my God" are the same way.

These days one of my brothers arrives with ahistory of green tomatoes to redden. He said hewas making a business visit to a client, and so we got there was the house guest was invited to settleon the sofa and coffee was served a fresh, fragrantand irresistible. He was a sweet chewing gum stillin my mouth ... He thought (and this time enter the absurdity of the situation): "I'll drop in coffee andchewing gum when you take the last sip she will come and not lose her sweetheart.

This has been done! The conversation rolled around, the deal was being signed, the coffeebeing sucked ... Only joy! And in the last sip a surprise: The gum, because of the heat, had melted around the bottom of the cup! And he did not know what to do, because they return the cup,the customer would see what had happened. I just could not pull with your fingers, because it would beworse .... The woman with the tray waiting for thecup, and he grabbed her!

He decided to quickly conclude the matter, dismissed the client and when I was dating placedthe cup on the tray, turned his back, entered the carand sped up. On the way home gave punched in the head with such foolishness.

Small things, which sometimes brings majorconstraints ... That minutes of goofiness thatmakes us feel like dying (not die but be translatedto another galaxy)

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