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Pope Ratzinger failed or counterattacked when he resigned?

You can not stay out, not only in the periphery of instalarmos issue that electrifies the planet, even leaving the beach for a day of Brazilian politics. We talk about the real causes of the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, beginning to be exposed by His Holiness in person, and increasingly deployed in the world press. The singular head of Christendom denounced deep division in the Church, spoke of the hypocrisy of many of its leaders and made clear the division that in other times would become a schism.
Basically, despite the subtleties so common to this age-old institution, was Joseph Ratzinger obstinate conservatism confused with the dogmas of the past. Rebelled against health advocacy, against condoms. And also against abortion, even in life-threatening situations. He rejected the breach of unnatural celibacy, or the marriage of priests, like gay marriage, women's ordination and other barriers that Humanity today overwhelmingly rejected. But the highlight of your experience via the growing trend of much of the clergy, including cardinals, the review of these postulates that modern life repudiates. Of course in the midst of this divergence stood main motivations inherent in the human, as the struggle for power, the need for open space, vanity, haste, attachment to traditions and worship of the supernatural.
If it was the inability to stem the tide reformist or, in reverse of the medal, to make it flow back through a gesture espetaculoso, whatever. The truth is that Benedict XVI waived certainly hoping that his successor get where he failed to win. Also for natural reasons, from the top of its 85 years and the fragility of their physical and mental health.
Everything indicates that the new pope emerge from the conservative majority in the college of cardinals. You can promote renewal in the ranks and functions of the Vatican, but keep the line of submission to dogma exceeded. Still, some values ​​remain challenged until they burst. The process would be accelerated by choosing a more liberal Pope. Or less conservative. But the elevation to cardinal, the past two decades, followed the criteria of automatic alignment with the past.
There are, however, hurdles to overcome immediately. One of them, with all due respect, is the use of medieval costumes and forgiveness, half carnival, used by the dome of the prelates. Almost ridiculous, nowadays, those chapelões of pharaohs of ancient Egypt, as well as brightly colored sweaters and stoles without major purposes. Was time for the new Pope, without declaring war on anyone, put those fantasies into disuse, reserving only a white cassock and recommending to others dark suits and moderates. The liturgy would not be affected, but the unnecessary pomp, surely. The exodus of Catholics around the world belies the argument that people like that sort of ostentation.

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