Be good to one another, be compassionate;
Forgive each other, as God forgave you through Christ.
Be imitators of God as children he loves.
Live in love, as Christ has loved us.
And gave himself up to God for us, in oblation and sacrifice of sweet odor.
Debauchery, or any kind of impurity or covetousness let them not be mentioned among you, as befits saints.
No coarse, foolish or obscene words, which are inconvenient; dedicate yourselves to thanksgiving.
For the devil, the unclean, the miser - who is an idolater - are excluded from the inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.
Let no one deceive you with empty words.
All this draws the wrath of God upon those who disobey it.
Do not be his accomplices.
You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.
Live as children of light.
Word of the Lord.
1st Reading - Eph 4,32-5,8
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