Sou antiraças

Não Sou apenas antiracistas, sou antiraças Não reconheço a raça Vermelha Amarela Branca Preta Azul ou qualquer outra cor com que queiram def...

Gospel of the day

I rejoice for Jacob,
aclamai a first of Nations;
Sing, sing and say:
Save, señor, YOUR people,
The Rest of Israel`.
Behold, I will bring them unto you from the North, and I will gather them from as Ends of the earth. Among them are blind and crippled, pregnant and parturient women:
they are a great multitude who return.
They will arrive Between tears and I will receive them Between prayers. I will lead them by streams of water, by a Straight Path where they will not stumble; for I am become a father to Israel, Ephraim, and he is my firstborn. '
Word of the Lord.

1st Reading - Jr 31,7-9

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