Mostrando postagens com marcador Climatic changes. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Climatic changes. Mostrar todas as postagens

Climatic changes and the power game

The behavior of the developed nations in the debate on climate change embeds some unusual component. If the only certainty that we all have is that our future as humanity is fragile every time we fail to address the issue with the urgency required, how can the rich countries to block measures to contain global warming?

Unfortunately, the eccentricity of developed nations, with U.S. front, hides the rearrangement of power in the new global order still in training. A world in which, of course, developing countries emerge as international players active and weight. So, what they seek is to try to slow the advance of China, India and light! - Brazil in this reorganization.

For the U.S., the oil giants, which earned high profits with the recent military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, are behind the obstacles created. An attitude to be expected since the new clean economy tends to exclude them from the fuel market. Stop the advance of measures that, ultimately, can guarantee the existence of life on earth is actually the way the U.S. to save time and found itself back on the board of international power.

Fortunately, and surprisingly, the COP-16 (World Climate Conference of the United Nations), Cancun (Mexico), ended with the creation of the fund of U.S. $ 100 billion to fight climate change in developing countries, the maintenance of the Kyoto Protocol, which is being flouted by the USA-and the adoption of mechanisms to compensate tropical countries for reducing deforestation.

Nothing is more fair, since the developed nations have greater responsibility for the negative climate effects we experienced, together, China and the U.S. play in the atmosphere of greenhouse gases 40% of the planet, and more suitable conditions to curb global warming process. In other words, the strategy for solving this problem should be collegial and initially directed to the poorest countries and developing countries.

Professor of Transport Engineering from UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) Suzana Kahn Ribeiro, who attended the COP-16, considered the newspaper O Globo (13/12) that the achievements of the seed was planted in Mexico a year before at COP-15 in Copenhagen (Denmark).

The difficulty of reaching an agreement, the profusion of private interests placed above the collective and the behavior of representatives of countries made the COP-15 finishes with the taste of defeat. But allowed the maturation of debate and negotiation for new routes that important steps were taken now, in Cancun, China and India, for example, softened their positions in relation to Copenhagen.

Without doubt, Brazil's role was crucial. A year ago, with the participation of President Lula and Rousseff, introduce voluntary targets by 2020: reducing Amazon deforestation by 80%, split between 36.1% and 38.9% of CO2 emissions and investing $ 166 billion (U.S. $ 16.6 billion per year) in the fight against climate change. In 2010, we maintained our commitments and, second Suzana Ribeiro, it was "important because it gave a signal to other countries available to tackle climate change."

The Environment Minister, Izabella Teixeira, collaborated in this process by announcing that Brazil had signed a decree regulating the National Policy on Climate Change, a policy roadmap that will follow sectorally to reduce our pollution. We are the first country to formalize this commitment.

The end of COP-16, with concrete steps to combat global warming, makes it easier for countries to plan more detailed regional and local goals. In Brazil, we clearly where we're heading and we can charge more pointedly the governors and mayors of large cities.

Besides being the first country to commit to climate action, which favors us in the new world order which will include the green economy is our invaluable energy potential. With 85% hydro, 47% and a pioneer in renewable biofuels, Brazil is at the forefront.

Contrary to what many may say, the discovery of oil in the pre-salt before being a hindrance to this leadership role in clean energy matrix, is a real possibility of building a sustainable model.

After all, if fossil fuels will still be for many years the main energy sources in use, our country has a chance to return to the pre-salt resources to the consolidation of renewable energy matrix and the production of environmentally friendly fuels, the sources of the future. The keyword is one: balance.

José Dirceu