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April fools day

Quotations about lying 

"What hurts is not the lie that goes through the mind, but what if it dives and firm." (Francis Bacon)
"The ruins lie quickly liar." (Marcilio Ficino)
"In repeating a lie so much, she ends up turning into truth." (Joseph Goebbels)
"A lie is like a snowball, the more rolls, the more increases." (Martin Luther) "A lie is soon on the heels of another." (Terence)
"A lie runs halfway around the world before the truth has had time to put your pants." (Winston Churchill)
"It is impossible to calculate the moral, if I may call it that, that mental lying has caused in society."(Thomas Paine)
"A truth told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent." (William Blake)

"There are calumnies against which one's innocence loses courage." (Napoleon Bonaparte)
"Do not be discovered in a lie is to say the truth." (Aristotle Onassis)
"A half-empty bottle of wine is also half full, but half a lie will never be half true." (Jean Cocteau)
"A lie never survive to reach old age." (Sophocles)
"Whoever tells a lie does not know who took the job because he is forced to invent twenty times more to sustain the certainty of the first."(Alexander Pope)
"A lie is a truth that you forgot to happen." (Mario Quintana)
"The cruelest lies are told in silence." (Robert Louis Stevenson)
"If my enemies stop telling lies about me, I stop telling truths about them." (Adlai Stevenson)
"A lie is always serious because it is a perversion of what is being done to tell the truth." (Germain Barbier)
"The liar makes two efforts: to lie and hold the lie." (Julio Camargo)
"Nature does not tolerate lies." (Thomas Carlyle)
"A liar is always lavish of oaths." (Pierre Corneille)
"All that is false, it is bad, even the borrowed clothes. If your mind does not match your clothes, you are subject to unhappiness, because that's how people become hypocrites, losing the fear of doing evil and telling lies. " (Ramakrishna)
"Love the art. Of all the lies is the least mind." (Gustave Flaubert)
"One of the notable differences between the cat and a lie is to have the cat nine lives." (Mark Twain)
"The ear is the second door of truth, and the first of lies." (Baltasar Gracian y Morales)
"Art is a spell that unleashes the lie to be true."(Theodor Adorno)
"Torpe weakness is a lie." (Silvio Pellico)

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