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Lugo speaks to the people of Paraguay to celebrate an increase in fees paid by Brazilby Renata Giraldi, Agency Brazil
The Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, convened today (7) the country's press to convey message about the approval yesterday (6), the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasilia, a proposal that increases the amounts paid by Brazil to Paraguay by the consumption energy. Brazilian deputies approved the treaty authorizing an increase equivalent to three times the amount of fees paid by energy consumption Itaipu Hydroelectric.
Information is a public agency's news Paraguayan Ipparaguay. According to the Paraguayan government, the country receives U.S. $ 120 million as compensation for unused energy which is intended to Brazil. Under the treaty, adopted yesterday, but it must still be submitted to the Senate, it is estimated that Paraguay pass to receive $ 360 million.For Paraguayans, the treaty is what they call the recovery of energy sovereignty. Terms of the agreement were negotiated by Lugo and then-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Asuncion, in July 2009.
According to negotiators, the Paraguayans have suggested that support for the Brazilian claim to gain a permanent seat on the Security Council at the United Nations was contingent upon approval of the increase of fares for Itaipu. For Brazil, the reform of the council is a priority of foreign policy.
The draft decree-law on the Itaipu Treaty was adopted last night by 285 votes in favor and 54 opposed. He states that the multiplier for the compensation of the transfer of energy, which is currently 5.1, is to 15.3, increasing by three times the amount of energy given by Paraguay to Brazil.
The matter now goes for consideration and vote in the Senate at a date to be set. A few months ago, the government has been lobbying for the approval of the Itaipu Treaty, but the opposition insisted on blocking the vote if the matter was placed on the agenda.
The funds to pay the additional amount of energy will be defined by the National Treasury, "so as not to burden the electricity rates paid by Brazilian consumers."
The rapporteur of the decree, Mr Doctor Rosie (PT-PR), recommended approval of the text on the understanding that it will help in integrating the Southern Cone and do justice to Paraguay.
"The additional $ 240 million to be paid represent a very low cost, compared to gains political, diplomatic, economic and commercial ties that Brazil gets to bet on regional integration and prosperity of their neighbors."

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