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Mostrando postagens com marcador Brazil. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Brazil. Mostrar todas as postagens

EUA 7 X Brasil 0

  • Entrega do pré-sal
  • Venda da Embraer
  • Entrega da Base de Alcântara
  • Desestabilização da Venezuela
  • Submissão do Ministério da Justiça a Cia
  • Liberação do visto de entrada para estadunidenses
  • Maracutaia Lava Jato/Petrobras/Departamento de Justiça Aamericano 

Estes 7 tópicos acima foram "Sinais, fortes sinais" de submissão que Jair Bolsonaro deu aos EUA, o que recebeu em troca? Ninguém sabe, ninguém viu.

Viva o Brazil, zil, zil...

Vida que segue

Brazil, um puteiro em liquidação

Sem meias palavras

Do país do futuro o Brasil se transformou num imenso puteiro, a começar pelo judiciário, ministério público e polícia federal. Isso sem falar na banca, na mídia e para completar as forças armadas.

Resultado de imagem para charge privataria

Máxima da cleptocracia do brazil

Aparente ser honesto em público, se revele Onesto em particular. Todo mundo sabe que você é ladrão. Mas, se por acaso algum Ladrão de galinha reclamar, ordena aos capitães do mato da pf, do mpf e judiciário para dá um corretivo nesse meliante.


Enquanto isso na sala de estar do cabaré da Chiquinha, os delegados, procuradores, jornalistas investigativos e demais membros da quadrilha de Curitiba ainda não conseguiram encontrar o esconderijo da mulher do Cunha.

Será que ela mora ou é dona do triplex de Paraty?...

Saberemos nos próximos episódios do jornal nacional?

Não perca as cenas dos próximos quadrilos

China supports Brazil's aspiration to more power at the UN

During the visit of President Rousseff to China,Beijing took a step forward in addressing thedefense of Brazil as a permanent member of UN Security Council.

In a joint statement, the Chinese indicated that therepresentation of developing nations on the council's "priority".

"China attaches high importance to the influencethat Brazil, as the largest developing country in theWestern Hemisphere, has played in internationaland regional issues, and understands andsupports the aspiration of Brazil come to play more prominent role in UN, " the statement said .

Although Beijing has already declared support forthe claim of Brazil, for now everything was in the rhetoric.

China, a permanent member, will not help Japan,with whom Brazil is associated with this project,along with India and Germany.


Lugo speaks to the people of Paraguay to celebrate an increase in fees paid by Brazilby Renata Giraldi, Agency Brazil
The Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, convened today (7) the country's press to convey message about the approval yesterday (6), the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasilia, a proposal that increases the amounts paid by Brazil to Paraguay by the consumption energy. Brazilian deputies approved the treaty authorizing an increase equivalent to three times the amount of fees paid by energy consumption Itaipu Hydroelectric.
Information is a public agency's news Paraguayan Ipparaguay. According to the Paraguayan government, the country receives U.S. $ 120 million as compensation for unused energy which is intended to Brazil. Under the treaty, adopted yesterday, but it must still be submitted to the Senate, it is estimated that Paraguay pass to receive $ 360 million.For Paraguayans, the treaty is what they call the recovery of energy sovereignty. Terms of the agreement were negotiated by Lugo and then-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Asuncion, in July 2009.
According to negotiators, the Paraguayans have suggested that support for the Brazilian claim to gain a permanent seat on the Security Council at the United Nations was contingent upon approval of the increase of fares for Itaipu. For Brazil, the reform of the council is a priority of foreign policy.
The draft decree-law on the Itaipu Treaty was adopted last night by 285 votes in favor and 54 opposed. He states that the multiplier for the compensation of the transfer of energy, which is currently 5.1, is to 15.3, increasing by three times the amount of energy given by Paraguay to Brazil.
The matter now goes for consideration and vote in the Senate at a date to be set. A few months ago, the government has been lobbying for the approval of the Itaipu Treaty, but the opposition insisted on blocking the vote if the matter was placed on the agenda.
The funds to pay the additional amount of energy will be defined by the National Treasury, "so as not to burden the electricity rates paid by Brazilian consumers."
The rapporteur of the decree, Mr Doctor Rosie (PT-PR), recommended approval of the text on the understanding that it will help in integrating the Southern Cone and do justice to Paraguay.
"The additional $ 240 million to be paid represent a very low cost, compared to gains political, diplomatic, economic and commercial ties that Brazil gets to bet on regional integration and prosperity of their neighbors."

Brazil - Tragedy in Realengo

Alumnus raided on the morning of Thursday, the Municipal School Tasso da Silveira, Realengo, fired several shots that would hit at least 15 students. Three children died. The shooter would Menezes de Oliveira Wellington. He was shot in the leg before killing himself. According to Fernandes, the Detro tax, which was an operation in the region, Wellington left a letter explaining the reasons of the bombing. The letter has not been announced.The Detro was doing an operation to combat smuggling, with three cars nearby. The tax had the support of the police Traffic Police Battalion.- A boy shot in the face came for help and telling a guy who entered the school shooting. A team rescued the boy, and two others went to school.Once there, Sergeant Ahmed approached the gunman, who was on the second floor, climbing to third. The policeman fired a shot in the leg and told him of the criminal to surrender. Then the man shot himself in the head - said Fernandes.Firefighters took the victims to two hospitals in the region, one of the Albert Schweitzer Hospital.The gari Dorival Porto Rafael, who was in school at the time of the shooting said the gunman walked into a room of eighth grade, where about 40 students attended the Portuguese class.- He entered the school saying it would give a lecture. It was a room for the eighth grade, which is on the first floor, and wordlessly drew a pistol from her purse and began firing. The police arrived and he tried to climb to the second floor when he saw that he was surrounded, shot in the head. No employee can approach, only the police are on site - said in a telephone interview.A crowd of parents and curious about school. The General Rua Bernadino de Matos, where is the teaching unit is closed. There is much wailing and despair because the relatives have no information about what happened. During the confusion, many children ran away.Maria do Carmo Pereira, who lives near the school, told GloboNews TV that he heard many shots:- There were many shots. Need not know how long, but I think about five minutes. There are lots of ambulances and police cars here - he said.Another neighbor, Marcelo Alves, said he saw children shot in the head:- I was coming home around 8h10m and saw the mess in front of the school. I saw several children, between ten and 15, shot out. I saw at least three that were shot in the head. I can say that it looked like they were dead. And as the ambulance was away, the children were leaving in the arms of the people and the police. Many went to the hospital the police cars and private cars - said Marcelo Alves, security of 50 years who lives about 100 yards from the school.The city Department of Education has not yet ruled on the case, but said that representatives from the school were to investigate the incident and take appropriate action. The Safety Department also did not rule on the case.

The news ever

Whenever I go to Brazil, back a little apprehensive.Missing news out there and here things change very quickly - where there was a movie springs ago a church, where he saw an honest politician a thief swarms, which was last seen opposite the proper channels and so on. After a certain age, should be cautious, finished calmly get home, do not immediately turn on the television and newspapers fail to open after talking with some friends. They would know jeitosa tell any news or disturbing able to shake the faith in the nation's future.
With relief, so I do not see disturbing news awaited. Speech is still on Obama's visit and to see replayed in one of those anonymous channels of cable television that are close to those skilled in the jungles with Aboriginal Australians who only know how to count to two and
usually eat the brains of visitors and neighbors. Do not really understand the reason for his coming.Very nice, saying phrases in Portuguese and smiling to and fro, causing the sensation but it was a trip without which or with which it would remain unchanged. As, indeed, if I'm not deceiving the treacherous memory, all visits by U.S. presidents to Brazil, including one in which Reagan thought he was in Colombia. This time, I think we boast ourselves in making sure that Obama knew he was not in Colombia, but I think even George Bush also knew, so that, as usual, nothing happened.
A report shows the state of the roads of Brazil. I think the people that are most watched and watching documentaries about the situation of roads. I really believe that if someone do the math, you will conclude that eight out of ten reports made long in Brazil since the beginning of the reporting on film, is about the precarious state of the roads, the reduction of barriers and bridges, quagmires, isolation of cities, the disastrous accidents, lack of supervision and other items from a list that anyone has in mind. Only one new detail: they found that cocaine is sold at filling stations on the roads, accepting credit cards for payment. Possibly the cocaine trade in the ranks will suffer a concussion, but at the same time, it is known that the truck drivers work under pressure and many resort to drugs, illicit or otherwise, to work in shifts absurdities, which is certainly cause for accidents .In that respect, nothing will be done.
Credit cards, talking about them now will pay more taxes, when used by Brazilians abroad. The state (government, moreover, is bullshit we want to insist, by implication terminological distinguishing of state government - it is in other countries, here is the same thing) now will bite almost seven per cent of that purchase card credit in foreign currency.The new middle class souvenir bought in Buenos Aires to bring a friend, tax it. Not for nothing, but we can not fail to observe - shut up, mouth - to steal money and village in Switzerland you can not pay anything, but who wants to spend hard-earned buck, paying only. Inventing taxes and fees and increase existing ones remains a national characteristic, it would tell even a sport for our rulers. And, in our usual stance - tail between his legs, but with pride - we will continue to speak, write, make speeches and give interviews about our tax burden and Shearer do nothing to combat it. And if we insist on protesting, some bureaucrat creates the tax on tax reform, to be paid by all who intend to reduce or extinguish any tax.
That talk of the clean sheet, statement of so-called power of public opinion and the Internet, seems to retrace a little, during my absence. I mean, who has been unraveling for the wave of popular will this and that, because I do not know what is the will of the people who come here so taken into account. What we have seen, by decision of the government (the Supreme is also government and government here in Brazil is even, if I express), is that this law only clean sheet will be worth later.And dare I add, when you get this then there will only be worth it after that then. We will have many after the front, until we forget this bobajada a clean slate.
Finally, I found some fuss about the corruption in health and education. The reports on conditions of care in public hospitals are only slightly less abundant than the problems of roads. There is no day passes we see two or three, a lady who waited on a stretcher in the open service and died unattended after five days in these conditions, one on a pregnant woman who was refused to die in hospitals, on the other child in whose vein injected glycerin. This is interspersed by intervals in which the government, in business sometimes watered down sometimes vibrant, shows how health is better served than ever and as we are a people increasingly happy, strong and shiny teeth.
Sturdy, gleaming teeth and grinning at the walls, even the private insurers, who put his hand on what they want, the way they want, without anyone paying users protect increasingly treated as indigent. And are the hundreds of international mafias, national, regional and local public health around. They are the mafia of drugs, equipment, funerals, false statements, the deviations of money and everything else that flutters like vultures over public health. Everything, in short, is another bit of news ever. In hindsight, nothing will change.

Fair criticism, silence unjust

Certain things, you can not understand or understand very well. On Monday, speaking to the new generals presented to it, President Lula did not spare the United States. He said things that did not justify the breaking of relations or calling the American ambassador to Washington at least determine a note of protest or comments. For the first mate, while the United States exercising the role of guardians of Israel, no peace in the Middle East. Moreover, the United Nations can no longer be at the mercy of the group fresh out of World War II. The planet has changed, does not give the five permanent members of the Security Council decide everything. Other countries should have equal seat at the collegiate, like Brazil, India, Germany and Japan, for example.

That same evening news programs have made space and time for the presidential statement. It was hoped that the newspapers the next day, not only disclose the criticisms of the "face", but comment on its consequences, whether it's for or against. Well, not a line. Nothing. Meant what, this silence? Probably, by secular line adopted by our big newspapers, the will to continue pleasing our brothers in the North, not just by publishing critical to the United States. Lula, after all, was right to say what he said.

It remains to wait now, if there is any retaliation. Who knows the cancellation of Clinton's coming to the possession of Dilma ? Unlikely, because American diplomacy is eyeing the future and was happy until the exchange by Celso Amorim Antonio Patriota. Anyway, it's good to wait.
by Carlos Chagas

New Dilma!

The President-elect completed the formation of his government and is about to assume the mandate entrusted to him the overwhelming majority of Brazilians and Brazilians. 83% of which, according to Datafolha , expects her to have an equal or better than the government of President Lula, which ends on December 31 his second government.
Dilma 's mandate and has the expectation of the people to pursue a policy of economic growth without inflation and income distribution, in continuity with what has been implemented since January 2003, for two consecutive terms by Lula.
The challenge for Dilma and his government is of the same magnitude as the one that was faced when Lula took office and the fact that she gets a "blessed legacy" in no way diminishes the magnitude of the problems which will face.
The international economic crisis, which in its current phase shifts the process of European single currency, is far from over. Its effects on the world market will weigh on the pace of growth in Brazil, no doubt, at least next year if not more talk on tempo.Sem intensification of what constitutes a true "currency war", exacerbating protectionism and distorting even more world trade.
The weakness of government investment in contrast to the weight of public expenditures require difficult measures to help to achieve a substantial reduction of debt reduction to allow a more consistent interest and greatly reduce the inflationary pressure. A tight fiscal policy to ensure steady and sustainable growth and facing bottlenecks years late, will not fail to provoke questions and doubts.
But it is these challenges that arise Dilma leaders and has the support needed to hoist upon the shoulders of its predecessor and print with this brand in Brazil.
She was not elected to provide interim management of administrative affairs, but to lead a nation that seeks to establish the conditions to become a great power. She will be judged in relation to this goal and will present and defend your balance to their electorates. It was they who gave Dilma power to continue changing and it is they who will judge whether the new president will face up to people's aspirations.
A historical cycle is about to close. He began with the emergence of the Workers Party in 1979 and took the presidency of Brazil for two terms, their main leader and founder. Unlike most experiences left in the world, this cycle is not closed in the bitterness of defeat or disappointment. Rather, the end of that process, the PT has consolidated its leadership and its ties with an increasing proportion of the people and voters. Its candidate won in three successive presidential elections, the first two with Lula and the third with Dilma. Lula learned to pass the baton to his successor. She is now the one who commands the start of this new cycle and it will take her, with support from the leadership of the PT and allied parties, find answers to new dilemmas of development and social justice. She can rely on the experience of Lula, which should prevent its shadow eclipses the light of the new president.
Lula has shown to understand the message, repeatedly reminding the phrase "dead King, king post." The success of the first term of Dilma will surely be recognized as his predecessor's work also, as you know contribute to consolidate the place of the president in leading the nation. In this sense Lula still has a huge role helping to fly completely libre Dilma of any trust, other than the democratic control of the people and their republican institutions.
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Dilma graduate

by Nathalia Passos, no G1

In the brief speech he gave after receiving the diploma of elected president of Brazil, Rousseff said it was a "big responsibility" to succeed a president of "stature" of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

She vowed to "honor the women, caring for the weak and govern for all." Said he would work for the economic stability of the country and defend freedom of the press.

Dilma said it will work for the economic stability of the country and defend freedom of the press. He stated that we must combine economic growth with social development.

"No political strategy is effective and economical if they do not reflect the life of every worker, businessman and family."

Dilma praised the elections by modernity in the counting of votes in elections this year led the way the electoral process.

"We won in Brazil a special procedure. The smoothness and efficiency of our Electoral Court are recognized around the world, "he said.

The president-elect said that the Brazilian people has matured to elect a worker and a woman for the presidency.

Dilma also said he was thrilled. "Without a doubt it is a tremendous thrill to receive the diploma of the court responsible for the Brazilian electoral process," he said.

He highlighted the efforts of Justice to ensure the democratic rights of voters and said that graduation is the most "meaningful" elections.

"It's the ultimate, and perhaps the most significant act of the electoral process, which can only be canceled by court order. To award the diplomas, the TSE finds that both are legally able to take office before the national congress, "said Lewandowski.

After the speech Lewandowsky, Dilma Fear and received the congratulations of the officials present. Standing, the president, vice and his wife, Marcela, one to a welcome the guests and the staff of the TSE who stood in line to greet them.

After the greetings of the President of the TSE, Dilma received the first embrace from the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Marco Maia (PT), who took office after the resignation of Michel Temer. Then, she was greeted by his mother, Mrs. Dilma Jane, the daughter Paula Rousseff and ex-husband, Carlos Araújo.

The president-elect also received hugs deamigos and allies of the campaign, such as PT President Jose Eduardo Dutra, the former mayor of Belo Horizonte, Fernando Pimentel (PT), Future Development Minister, and Mr José Eduardo Cardozo, future minister Justice.

After 25 days of hospitalization, Alencar leaves hospital

Vice President Jose Alencar discharged from the hospital on Friday (17). He left the Syrian-Lebanese Hospital in Sao Paulo after 25 days of hospitalization.

Struggling with a fight against cancer that lasted 15 years and has led to the operating table 16 times, Alencar is preparing to meet a desire for Lula.

The president said the doctors who oversee the health Alencar who wanted to go down the ramp of the Plateau, in January 1, next to the vice.

Excerpts of the article from an international relations professor at the University Di Tella (Argentina), Fabian C. ALLE

1. Something begins to change in relations between the U.S. and Brazil, over two months and the more recent events such as Obama to lose election and the effect WikiLeaks. This will confirm a greater degree of caution in relations between the U.S. and Brazil.

2. This new perception on scope of analysis and the U.S. decision has as one of the strongest reflections the document entitled "Dilemmas of the Brazilian Grand Strategy" of the Strategic Studies Institute of the Army in this country and published a few months. In it, the logic follows that present and future between the two countries is more conducive to rivalry than to the alliance.

3. In this transition, there was the disclosure by WikiLeaks information of thousands of low, medium and medium high degree of security of the State Department about the relationship with Brazil. Examples: the purported decision of the government of Brazil to guide the purchase of combat aircraft in Europe and the United States \ prior knowledge that exist in Brazil about the presence of the FARC in Venezuela \ the comment from a Brazilian minister on a strong attitude anti-American by Marco Aurelio Garcia, and Samuel Pinheiro \ alleged arrests by police of suspects of international terrorism and has not been formally charged \ and informal requests to moderate Arab countries and influential businessmen to use their good offices to prevent presence of Islamic extremism in Brazil.

4. Rousseff's victory in presidential elections did more than reinforce the idea that foreign policy is increasingly active and is destined to remain challenging in the coming years. These processes should be an inescapable reality for current and future decision makers in foreign policy and defense of Argentina. More so when it shows what appears to be a stabilization of the positive relationship between Argentina and the USA. Starting point are the specific agreements, such as non-proliferation and tensions with the Iranian regime. Brazil's strategy of "face to face," will have a watchful eye of Washington.

Brazil has to grow accustomed "body bags" coming home from war

The above sentence was handed down by the Minister of Institutional Security Cabinet, General Jorge Armando Felix, to explain that Brazil has to "pay a price"if it wants to be a world leader. According to the report by Ambassador Clifford Sobel, the conversation was in January 2007 as he detailed in a telegram sent to the State Department at 16:40 on 15 February 2007, to be published today by WikiLeaks.

The secret telegram describing a dinner given by Ambassador Felix and the Deputy Chief Executive of GSI, the Division Major General Ruben Peixoto Alexandre.
Discussing the application of diplomacy to mediate a meeting between Felix the Chief of Staff Dilma Rousseff and the Advocate General American - besides the prospect of Brazil to cooperate with the NATO military alliance which includes countries in Europe and the United States .

Price to pay
"Felix was relaxed and quite frankly, while Alexander remained silent during most of the night, " described Sobel. He asked about the benefits of Brazil cooperate militarily with NATO.

"Felix seemed circumspect and said the Brazilians must face the fact that" a price must be paid 'for a global leadership role. Brazil must be willing to modernize and deploy its forces in international operations and confront the prospect of 'body bags returning to Brazil. Felix said that, both personally and as a soldier, he believed it was time to pay the price of Brazil and take the leadership position in the global scenario ", says the telegram.

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