Sou antiraças

Não Sou apenas antiracistas, sou antiraças Não reconheço a raça Vermelha Amarela Branca Preta Azul ou qualquer outra cor com que queiram def...

Fair criticism, silence unjust

Certain things, you can not understand or understand very well. On Monday, speaking to the new generals presented to it, President Lula did not spare the United States. He said things that did not justify the breaking of relations or calling the American ambassador to Washington at least determine a note of protest or comments. For the first mate, while the United States exercising the role of guardians of Israel, no peace in the Middle East. Moreover, the United Nations can no longer be at the mercy of the group fresh out of World War II. The planet has changed, does not give the five permanent members of the Security Council decide everything. Other countries should have equal seat at the collegiate, like Brazil, India, Germany and Japan, for example.

That same evening news programs have made space and time for the presidential statement. It was hoped that the newspapers the next day, not only disclose the criticisms of the "face", but comment on its consequences, whether it's for or against. Well, not a line. Nothing. Meant what, this silence? Probably, by secular line adopted by our big newspapers, the will to continue pleasing our brothers in the North, not just by publishing critical to the United States. Lula, after all, was right to say what he said.

It remains to wait now, if there is any retaliation. Who knows the cancellation of Clinton's coming to the possession of Dilma ? Unlikely, because American diplomacy is eyeing the future and was happy until the exchange by Celso Amorim Antonio Patriota. Anyway, it's good to wait.
by Carlos Chagas

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