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New Dilma!

The President-elect completed the formation of his government and is about to assume the mandate entrusted to him the overwhelming majority of Brazilians and Brazilians. 83% of which, according to Datafolha , expects her to have an equal or better than the government of President Lula, which ends on December 31 his second government.
Dilma 's mandate and has the expectation of the people to pursue a policy of economic growth without inflation and income distribution, in continuity with what has been implemented since January 2003, for two consecutive terms by Lula.
The challenge for Dilma and his government is of the same magnitude as the one that was faced when Lula took office and the fact that she gets a "blessed legacy" in no way diminishes the magnitude of the problems which will face.
The international economic crisis, which in its current phase shifts the process of European single currency, is far from over. Its effects on the world market will weigh on the pace of growth in Brazil, no doubt, at least next year if not more talk on tempo.Sem intensification of what constitutes a true "currency war", exacerbating protectionism and distorting even more world trade.
The weakness of government investment in contrast to the weight of public expenditures require difficult measures to help to achieve a substantial reduction of debt reduction to allow a more consistent interest and greatly reduce the inflationary pressure. A tight fiscal policy to ensure steady and sustainable growth and facing bottlenecks years late, will not fail to provoke questions and doubts.
But it is these challenges that arise Dilma leaders and has the support needed to hoist upon the shoulders of its predecessor and print with this brand in Brazil.
She was not elected to provide interim management of administrative affairs, but to lead a nation that seeks to establish the conditions to become a great power. She will be judged in relation to this goal and will present and defend your balance to their electorates. It was they who gave Dilma power to continue changing and it is they who will judge whether the new president will face up to people's aspirations.
A historical cycle is about to close. He began with the emergence of the Workers Party in 1979 and took the presidency of Brazil for two terms, their main leader and founder. Unlike most experiences left in the world, this cycle is not closed in the bitterness of defeat or disappointment. Rather, the end of that process, the PT has consolidated its leadership and its ties with an increasing proportion of the people and voters. Its candidate won in three successive presidential elections, the first two with Lula and the third with Dilma. Lula learned to pass the baton to his successor. She is now the one who commands the start of this new cycle and it will take her, with support from the leadership of the PT and allied parties, find answers to new dilemmas of development and social justice. She can rely on the experience of Lula, which should prevent its shadow eclipses the light of the new president.
Lula has shown to understand the message, repeatedly reminding the phrase "dead King, king post." The success of the first term of Dilma will surely be recognized as his predecessor's work also, as you know contribute to consolidate the place of the president in leading the nation. In this sense Lula still has a huge role helping to fly completely libre Dilma of any trust, other than the democratic control of the people and their republican institutions.
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