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Dilma graduate

by Nathalia Passos, no G1

In the brief speech he gave after receiving the diploma of elected president of Brazil, Rousseff said it was a "big responsibility" to succeed a president of "stature" of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

She vowed to "honor the women, caring for the weak and govern for all." Said he would work for the economic stability of the country and defend freedom of the press.

Dilma said it will work for the economic stability of the country and defend freedom of the press. He stated that we must combine economic growth with social development.

"No political strategy is effective and economical if they do not reflect the life of every worker, businessman and family."

Dilma praised the elections by modernity in the counting of votes in elections this year led the way the electoral process.

"We won in Brazil a special procedure. The smoothness and efficiency of our Electoral Court are recognized around the world, "he said.

The president-elect said that the Brazilian people has matured to elect a worker and a woman for the presidency.

Dilma also said he was thrilled. "Without a doubt it is a tremendous thrill to receive the diploma of the court responsible for the Brazilian electoral process," he said.

He highlighted the efforts of Justice to ensure the democratic rights of voters and said that graduation is the most "meaningful" elections.

"It's the ultimate, and perhaps the most significant act of the electoral process, which can only be canceled by court order. To award the diplomas, the TSE finds that both are legally able to take office before the national congress, "said Lewandowski.

After the speech Lewandowsky, Dilma Fear and received the congratulations of the officials present. Standing, the president, vice and his wife, Marcela, one to a welcome the guests and the staff of the TSE who stood in line to greet them.

After the greetings of the President of the TSE, Dilma received the first embrace from the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Marco Maia (PT), who took office after the resignation of Michel Temer. Then, she was greeted by his mother, Mrs. Dilma Jane, the daughter Paula Rousseff and ex-husband, Carlos Araújo.

The president-elect also received hugs deamigos and allies of the campaign, such as PT President Jose Eduardo Dutra, the former mayor of Belo Horizonte, Fernando Pimentel (PT), Future Development Minister, and Mr José Eduardo Cardozo, future minister Justice.

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