Sou antiraças

Não Sou apenas antiracistas, sou antiraças Não reconheço a raça Vermelha Amarela Branca Preta Azul ou qualquer outra cor com que queiram def...

The news ever

Whenever I go to Brazil, back a little apprehensive.Missing news out there and here things change very quickly - where there was a movie springs ago a church, where he saw an honest politician a thief swarms, which was last seen opposite the proper channels and so on. After a certain age, should be cautious, finished calmly get home, do not immediately turn on the television and newspapers fail to open after talking with some friends. They would know jeitosa tell any news or disturbing able to shake the faith in the nation's future.
With relief, so I do not see disturbing news awaited. Speech is still on Obama's visit and to see replayed in one of those anonymous channels of cable television that are close to those skilled in the jungles with Aboriginal Australians who only know how to count to two and
usually eat the brains of visitors and neighbors. Do not really understand the reason for his coming.Very nice, saying phrases in Portuguese and smiling to and fro, causing the sensation but it was a trip without which or with which it would remain unchanged. As, indeed, if I'm not deceiving the treacherous memory, all visits by U.S. presidents to Brazil, including one in which Reagan thought he was in Colombia. This time, I think we boast ourselves in making sure that Obama knew he was not in Colombia, but I think even George Bush also knew, so that, as usual, nothing happened.
A report shows the state of the roads of Brazil. I think the people that are most watched and watching documentaries about the situation of roads. I really believe that if someone do the math, you will conclude that eight out of ten reports made long in Brazil since the beginning of the reporting on film, is about the precarious state of the roads, the reduction of barriers and bridges, quagmires, isolation of cities, the disastrous accidents, lack of supervision and other items from a list that anyone has in mind. Only one new detail: they found that cocaine is sold at filling stations on the roads, accepting credit cards for payment. Possibly the cocaine trade in the ranks will suffer a concussion, but at the same time, it is known that the truck drivers work under pressure and many resort to drugs, illicit or otherwise, to work in shifts absurdities, which is certainly cause for accidents .In that respect, nothing will be done.
Credit cards, talking about them now will pay more taxes, when used by Brazilians abroad. The state (government, moreover, is bullshit we want to insist, by implication terminological distinguishing of state government - it is in other countries, here is the same thing) now will bite almost seven per cent of that purchase card credit in foreign currency.The new middle class souvenir bought in Buenos Aires to bring a friend, tax it. Not for nothing, but we can not fail to observe - shut up, mouth - to steal money and village in Switzerland you can not pay anything, but who wants to spend hard-earned buck, paying only. Inventing taxes and fees and increase existing ones remains a national characteristic, it would tell even a sport for our rulers. And, in our usual stance - tail between his legs, but with pride - we will continue to speak, write, make speeches and give interviews about our tax burden and Shearer do nothing to combat it. And if we insist on protesting, some bureaucrat creates the tax on tax reform, to be paid by all who intend to reduce or extinguish any tax.
That talk of the clean sheet, statement of so-called power of public opinion and the Internet, seems to retrace a little, during my absence. I mean, who has been unraveling for the wave of popular will this and that, because I do not know what is the will of the people who come here so taken into account. What we have seen, by decision of the government (the Supreme is also government and government here in Brazil is even, if I express), is that this law only clean sheet will be worth later.And dare I add, when you get this then there will only be worth it after that then. We will have many after the front, until we forget this bobajada a clean slate.
Finally, I found some fuss about the corruption in health and education. The reports on conditions of care in public hospitals are only slightly less abundant than the problems of roads. There is no day passes we see two or three, a lady who waited on a stretcher in the open service and died unattended after five days in these conditions, one on a pregnant woman who was refused to die in hospitals, on the other child in whose vein injected glycerin. This is interspersed by intervals in which the government, in business sometimes watered down sometimes vibrant, shows how health is better served than ever and as we are a people increasingly happy, strong and shiny teeth.
Sturdy, gleaming teeth and grinning at the walls, even the private insurers, who put his hand on what they want, the way they want, without anyone paying users protect increasingly treated as indigent. And are the hundreds of international mafias, national, regional and local public health around. They are the mafia of drugs, equipment, funerals, false statements, the deviations of money and everything else that flutters like vultures over public health. Everything, in short, is another bit of news ever. In hindsight, nothing will change.

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