Sou antiraças

Não Sou apenas antiracistas, sou antiraças Não reconheço a raça Vermelha Amarela Branca Preta Azul ou qualquer outra cor com que queiram def...


[...] See you there, Doc spendthrift, paying the bill
I read somewhere a great phrase on theRepublicans' political skill to extract from BarackObama Wall Street bailout, while blaming him for favoring the bankers, after the 2008 financial crisis.

The fact is that since then there has been acontinued advance of the Conservatives, withsupport from the media, to hang to the crisis on workers.

We saw this in Ohio, the United States and Europe.

The British magazine The Economist sets the tonefor the attack on entitlements. First, preachedagainst the 'Maharajas' of public service. Now,attacks retirements. On the cover later, the old manbiker are you, full of "privileges" after a longworking life.

The magazine says that the minimum age forretirement should be 70 years of age. Thealternative? Bankruptcy.

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