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The first measures the government Dilma Rousseff

All support to the series of economic measures that the Lula government, through the current and future finance minister, Guido Mantega, announced to encourage long-term loans and finance companies in the country, its development and financial modernization. In practice, and even announced in the Lula administration, these measures constitute the first area of the economy to be implemented early in his administration Rousseff in two weeks.
"The goal - explained the Minister - is to facilitate long-term credit, always scarce in the country. In the past, made no difference, because there were few projects financed by. The term was in the past five years to eight years. But with the development cycle that we have deployed in recent years has increased the need to finance long term projects. "
Already today, recognized the owner of the farm, there is greater demand for projects and, therefore, there is also a greater need for funding. "Today, there are projects that require funding of 20, 25 or 30 years. We want to enter a new phase, so that the private sector also may finance, sharing this task with BNDES," he explained. The Treasury Department classifies as a major stimulus package already established to encourage the increased terms of private debt in the country.
It is now lower interest rates
These initiatives have every reason to work and can work as long as interest rates fall, so that the long-term investments become more profitable than bonds. The Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM) of the Central Bank (BC), may well take its first meeting of new year - also the 1st of the new government - in the second half of January to overturn the Selic rate (10.75% today ).
The announced measures, containment of budget expenditures costing - not investment - which will be set at the beginning of the year and a decline in interest rates are the three ingredients necessary for us to have a peaceful and successful start of government, continuity the Lula administration, which during its eight years, economic growth, employment, income and social inclusion of our population.
Moreover, as stressed in the event of the magazine "Isto" in Sao Paulo yesterday, the president assumes that on June 1, Rousseff, to predict that Brazil will maintain economic growth in coming years. "I believe in Brazil, I think this is our moment, this will undoubtedly be our decade," he said. At the ceremony, Dilma thanked his election to the "millions who have realized that it is possible to transform Brazil, making it a great middle class country."

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