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Gabrielli of Petrobras leads the way in government Dilma Rousseff

Petrobras President Jose Sergio Gabrielli, you should follow in office during the tenure of Rousseff. According to a source of future government team of PT, "for now, as is." Asked how long he would remain ahead of the company, the source said "it is not being discussed now."

Besides Gabrielli, other names on the government's economic area of Dilma are already defined. The central bank president will be the economist Alexandre Gaucho Tombini. Analysts say his line of thinking than the current president, Henrique Meirelles, and is more akin to the Minister of Finance, Guido Mantega.

Mantega is another name defined as a government minister Dilma. The Genoese who came to Brazil when she was 3 years follow in the Ministry of Finance. Their maintenance is seen as a major sign of continuity in government Rousseff. He held the post since March 2006 when he replaced Antonio Palocci.

The Secretary for Strategic Affairs will be the former governor of Rio Wellington Moreira Franco. He has served as Vice President of Lottery Funds and the Caixa Economica Federal. He left the box to participate as a representative of the PMDB, the coordination of campaign Dilma.

The Ministry of Mines of Energy will have its front Edson Lobao (PMDB-MA). In office between January 2008 and March 2010, the senator is linked to the political group of Senate President Jose Sarney (PMDB-MA), Boden is part of the PMDB in the quota allocation of seats.

The RN Garibaldi Alves Filho lead the Ministry of Welfare. Referred by Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), the journalist leaves the door open for José Sarney (PMDB-PA) re-run for the Senate presidency in 2011 because it wanted to contest the post if not take over the ministry.

The Minister of Agriculture will be the former president of the National Supply Company (Conab) Wagner Rossi. He took over the Ministry in March 2010 following the departure of Reinhold Stephanes.

The Secretary for Fisheries will Ideli Salvatti. Professor, militancy began in the 1980s, occupying the presidency of the Union of Education Workers and the treasury of the Central Unica dos Trabalhadores (CUT) of Santa Catarina.

Congressman Pedro Novais Lima (PMDB-MA), 80, will be the Minister of Tourism. In his current term in the House, Novak is the owner of the Finance and Taxation Committee and an alternate on Foreign Relations and National Defense.

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