Sou antiraças

Não Sou apenas antiracistas, sou antiraças Não reconheço a raça Vermelha Amarela Branca Preta Azul ou qualquer outra cor com que queiram def...

The empire in the dock

Julian Assange, a man who several months ago few knew in the world, is showing that the most powerful empire that has existed in the story could be challenged.

The bold challenge came not from a superpower rival of a state with more than one hundred nuclear weapons in a country with hundreds of millions of inhabitants of a group of nations with vast natural resources, including the United States could not do without, or of a revolutionary doctrine able to shake the very foundations of the empire that is based on the plunder and exploitation of the world.

It was just a person who had barely heard of in the media. Although it is well-known, little is known about him except the much publicized allegation of an affair with two women, without due caution in a world with HIV. Has not yet written a book about his origin, education, or their philosophical and political ideas.

Not known, even the motivations that led to the crushing blow dealt to the empire. Just know that morally it has brought to its knees.

AFP news agency reported today that the "creator of Wikileaks will remain in prison despite [...] get bail but must remain in jail pending resolution of the appeal filed by Sweden, which claimed his extradition for alleged crimes sex. "

"... The lawyer representing the Swedish state, [...] announced its intention to appeal the decision to release him."

"... Judge Riddle set as conditions for the payment of $ 380,000 bail, the use of an electronic bracelet and enforcement of a curfew."

The very office reported that if released "... shall reside in a property of Vaughan Smith, his friend and chairman of the Frontline Club, London club where journalists from Wikileaks has established his headquarters for weeks ..."

Assange said: "'My convictions do not falter. I remain faithful to the ideals I have expressed. If anything has made this process has been to increase my determination that these are true and correct '... "

The brave and brilliant American filmmaker Michael Moore said he has offered to Wikileaks website, its servers, domain names and all you can provide for "..." keep alive and thriving Wikileaks while working to expose crimes that are plotted in secret and were committed in our name and our tax dollars to "..."

Assange, Moore said, "is suffering" an attack so vicious' [...] 'because it has embarrassed those who have hidden the truth'. "

"... 'Whether guilty or innocent Assange [...] is entitled to be paid his bail and defense." [...] 'I've joined, so the filmmakers, Ken Loach and writer John Pilger and Jemima Khan and I have offered money for bail'. "

Moore's contribution rose to 20 thousand dollars.

The U.S. government's barrage against Wikileaks has been so brutal that, according to polls by ABC News / Washington Post, two of every three Americans want to bring Assange before U.S. courts for disclosing the documents. No one has dared, however, to challenge the truths they contain.

No details of the plan prepared by the strategists of Wikileaks. Assange is known that distributed a large volume of communications to five major transnational media corporations, which currently have a monopoly of many stories, some of them as extremely mercenary pro-fascist reactionary Prisa as the Spanish and the German Der Spiegel, that are using to attack the most revolutionary.

World opinion will monitor everything that happens around Wikileaks.

On the Swedish right wing government and NATO militarist mafia, who are so fond of invoking the freedom of the press and human rights, the responsibility will fall to be able to know the truth or not about the cynical politics of the United States and its allies.

Images can be more powerful than nuclear weapons.
Fidel Castro

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