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The nostalgia for Lula

There seems to be more nostalgia than political calculation early in the declaration of President Lula would not rule out running again to the presidency.

In an interview aired by the channel RedeTV!, The labor leader said it was inevitable contemplate a future candidacy.
"I am a born politician," was justified.

The circumstance that would allow him to run again makes a return next implausible.
Lula raised the possibility that problems in the next administration opens the door for a new ballot with his name on the ballot.

The same scenario was described explicitly by Gilberto Carvalho, chief of staff and right arm of the current president.
When speaking to the newspaper O Globo, Carvalho said that a possible candidacy of Lula in 2014 would depend on the performance of the elected president.

"In a scenario Dilma make a good government, it is clear that she will seek reelection.
If there are difficulties, and it is the solution for us to have a victory, he can return, "he said.

It is unreasonable to assume that such a maneuver can be performed easily.
The link between Lula and Dilma, for electoral purposes, it is inextricable. Even if the president leaves office with unprecedented popular support, the new government's political problems jeopardize his chances. After all, he was the guarantor of the elect.

Perhaps the statements serve as a warning to the opposition, which need not however be remembered that Lula, expensive to use an analogy to the president, will be on reserve Dilma, it scales to try to turn the game.

It is understood the anguish of the agent with the loss of evidence and power, much as it is reasonable to expect it to become one of the most active ex-presidents of the country's history.
Far more likely, than Fernando Henrique Cardoso, whose political interventions PT leader resents.

Lula would better use his talents of "born politician" in other initiatives than to claim to Plateau-new election though nothing legally preventing him from doing so.

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