Sou antiraças

Não Sou apenas antiracistas, sou antiraças Não reconheço a raça Vermelha Amarela Branca Preta Azul ou qualquer outra cor com que queiram def...


[...] In power 

1. This point is noteworthy. In the Corruption Perception Index 2010, prepared by Transparency International (civil society organization thatpreaches strict compliance with the UN Conventionagainst Corruption), Argentina is located in a kindof suburb of the planet in this area, down from 100 / 1 countries in a total of 178. On a scale of leastcorrupt to most corrupt, 10-0, Argentina marks 2.9points, while Chile has 7.2; - Uruguay and Costa Rica 6.9 - 5.3. Brazil - 3.7, Colombia and Peru -both with 3.5 - that has a better score assigned bythe Argentines themselves.

2. There remains, however, a consolation prize, since Nicaragua -2.5 - and Venezuela - 2.0 - areeven worse. Good company: those countries withpolarized societies, governments are stronglyquestioned because of the hegemonic exercise of presidential power.

3. In democratic politics only to the principle oflegality can place limits on the facts that could bedescribed as corrupt. Corruption is a matter ofdegree directly related to the possible sanctions,the legitimacy and effectiveness of the judiciary.This is the root of the rule of law.

4. We must ask ourselves if these episodes do notrecall the title of Chapter XVIII the Discourses ...,Machiavelli. To what extent, in fact, one can"preserve freedom in a corrupt state?

5. We have a democracy of great endsliberationists, and rhetoric involved who want to impose themselves on the enemy with the apparatus of government propaganda, and we need a democracy of institutional facilities capable of housing to all, friends or foes, in a shared sense of personal safety and collective. To this are thelaws that are not fulfilled here.
Natalio Botana

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