Sou antiraças

Não Sou apenas antiracistas, sou antiraças Não reconheço a raça Vermelha Amarela Branca Preta Azul ou qualquer outra cor com que queiram def...


By Carlos Chagas
Should a holder of office, executive or legislative branch, have the privilege of doing business?There is no mention of holding office of management or business ownership, the law forbids, but to exercise directly or through relatives and oranges a series of activities, even honest, involving the market.
Ethics, it should not. Nor could it. Crying cultivate the objectivity that curtail a citizen just because he is in pursuit of a mandate against the principles of liberty, free enterprise, fair competition and of democracy itself.
Because of this immense is the number of deputies, senators, city councilors, mayors and governors who have enriched the exercise of mandates, and will not have been saving for their pensions. The collusion between power and business generally smell bad but is not forbidden. It is frequently the case that politicians who spent their entire lives being elected millionaires are gone, although there are many forced to work after losing elections.
Do what the face of evidence of the policy be a way to get rich? Through laws, forget it. Much less compel politicians to practice ethical predicate that depends on each one, above and beyond the law.
Worse is when the political situation was already an entrepreneur, therefore, outside the exceptions as always, will continue in this condition, now favored by the manipulation of power and influence attached thereto. There are those who become entrepreneurs when they are politicians, bearing in this case even more mouths open. Please note we are not caring today, corruption and shady dealings. Just business.
In Mexico, at the beginning of last century, we adopted a surgical solution, "in reeleciones.Nobody can be reelected for the same position she occupied. Still, it was assumed that an MP could rival the Senate and a governor, the president. Everything remained the same.
You dream of a summer night imagine a voter untying the knot, simply not voting in more than rich.Wealth is an excellent passport to victory at the polls. In short, this is one problem unsolved.

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