Sou antiraças

Não Sou apenas antiracistas, sou antiraças Não reconheço a raça Vermelha Amarela Branca Preta Azul ou qualquer outra cor com que queiram def...

Sérgio Moro, an egocentric boy

Resultado de imagem para moro vaidoso

Sérgio Moro came home happy and shouted:

- Mom, you do not know how I'm wanted !!! I had Lula arrested and many people applauded me, I was cheered, shouted,

"Live, live, save, save" ...

The mother asked: "Who did you arrest and why?"

"I had Lula arrested because the United States ordered it.

- Got it. Tomorrow come back, but do not get any PTs arrested.

"The other day Moro went to court and came back sad.

"But, Mother, how can you?" The people did not even look at me, I went unnoticed among all, and there were people who even shooed me away.

- That's it, my son. You without Lula is nothing. At the very least a togadinho toucan of first instance that protected the party colleagues in the case Banestado and now protects in the farce jet.

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Clicar somente se o anúncio interessar. Clicar somente se o anúncio interessar. O blogueiro agradece!