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Mostrando postagens com marcador Energy Nuclear. Mostrar todas as postagens

Angra nuclear power will review safety of slopes

Tragedies in Japan and Sierra led to the hiring of external consultants

Eletronuclear will hire an outside consultant toreassess the risk of collapse of the hillsidessurrounding the nuclear power plants Angra dosReis, Carla Rocha and Paul inform Motta. Themonitoring is continuous landslides, as well asinvestments in containment works. But as thecompany admits, tragedies of the Japan-tsunamithat caused the nuclear crisis, and in the mountainous region of Rio where the mountains fall to pieces-taught that the unthinkable happens."This independent review is to give moretranquility. Worldwide, the plants are looking intoany potential vulnerability, "said Peter Figueroa,chief operating officer of Eletronuclear. Theunthinkable has already happened in 1985 whenan avalanche buried the Laboratory ofRadioecology, next to the plant.