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Mostrando postagens com marcador Libya. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Libya. Mostrar todas as postagens

U.S. diplomat is killed in Libya and Obama reacts

Attack occurred when crowds protesting movie about Muhammad; U.S. government speaks of doing justice

The U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other diplomats were killed in the gunfire and grenade attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. The incident occurred late on Tuesday, while crowds in cities across the Islamic world protested against the film Innocence of Muslims, depicting Mohammed as adulterous, bisexual, and bloodthirsty pedophile. The death of Stevens was the first to graduate as an officer in 33 years. With a serious diplomatic crisis on his presidential campaign, President Barack Obama responded by saying that the U.S. will not rest until those responsible for the attack have not been brought to justice. Before Obama's speech, scheduled and previously announced his Republican rival in the race for the White House, Mitt Romney criticized the "miscalculations" and the "mixed messages" of foreign policy.