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Mostrando postagens com marcador Terrorists. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Terrorists. Mostrar todas as postagens

U.S. diplomat is killed in Libya and Obama reacts

Attack occurred when crowds protesting movie about Muhammad; U.S. government speaks of doing justice

The U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other diplomats were killed in the gunfire and grenade attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. The incident occurred late on Tuesday, while crowds in cities across the Islamic world protested against the film Innocence of Muslims, depicting Mohammed as adulterous, bisexual, and bloodthirsty pedophile. The death of Stevens was the first to graduate as an officer in 33 years. With a serious diplomatic crisis on his presidential campaign, President Barack Obama responded by saying that the U.S. will not rest until those responsible for the attack have not been brought to justice. Before Obama's speech, scheduled and previously announced his Republican rival in the race for the White House, Mitt Romney criticized the "miscalculations" and the "mixed messages" of foreign policy.

There was revenge, not justice

Someone needs to be an enemy of himself and contrary to humanitarian values ​​is minimal approve the nefarious crime of terrorism from al Qaeda Nov. 11, 2001 in New York. But for all titles is unacceptable that a state, militarily the most powerful of the world to respond to terrorism has transformed himself into a terrorist state. That's what Bush did, suspending democracy and limiting the duration of some unconditional rights, which were the prerogative of parents. He did more, he led two wars against Afghanistan and against Iraq, which devastated one of the oldest cultures of mankind in which they were killed over a hundred thousand people and over one million displaced.
It renewed the question that almost anyone interested put: why it produced such terrorist acts? Bishop Robert Bowman of Melbourne Beach in Florida who was formerly military fighter pilot during the Vietnam War said, clearly in the National Catholic Reporter, an open letter to the President: "We are the target of terrorists because, in much of the world, our government stands for dictatorship, bondage and human exploitation. We are the target of terrorists because they hate us. And they hate us because our government does things odious. "
He did not say anything Richard Clarke, head on terror White House in an interview with Jorge Spot issued by Globonews of 28/02/2010 and repeated on 03/05/2011. Had warned the CIA and President Bush that an Al Qaeda attack was imminent in New York. Do not listen to him. Soon after occurred, which filled him with rage. That anger rose against the government when he saw that with Bush lies and falsehoods, by sheer will to maintain imperial hegemony, declared a war against Iraq that had no connection with September 11. The anger reached a point which for health and decency to resign from office.
More striking was Chalmers Johnson, a top CIA analysts also the same journalist in an interview on May 2 this year in Globonews.Met inside the harm that more than 800 U.S. military bases produce across the globe because evoke anger and outrage people in broth for terrorism. He cites the book by Eduardo Galeano "The Open Veins of Latin A." to illustrate the atrocities that the intelligence agencies by Americans have made here.Denounces the imperial character of Governments, founded on the use of inteligiência recommends that coups, assassinations of leaders and organizations how to torture. In protest, he resigned and then professor of history at the University of California. He wrote three volumes "Blowback" (retaliation) which provided for a few months in advance, the retaliation against U.S. arrogance in the world. Heralded as the prophet of September 11. This is the background to understand the current situation that culminated in the execution of criminal Osama bin Laden.
The bodies of U.S. intelligence are some losers. For ten years, scoured the world to hunt down bin Laden. Nothing did. Only by using an immoral method, the torture of a messenger from Bin Laden, managed to get to their hideout. Therefore, they had no merits.
Everything in this hunt is under the sign of immorality, shame and crime. First, President Obama, like a "god" ordered the execution / killing Bin Laden. This goes against the universal ethical principle of "no kill" and international agreements that prescribe the arrest, trial and punishment of the accused. So if Hussein did to Iraq with the Nazi criminals in Nuremberg, with Eichmann in Israel and with other defendants. Bin Laden chose to play intentioned crime for which Barack Obama will one day meet. Then they invaded the territory of Pakistan, without any prior warning of the operation.Then the corpse is abducted and cast into the sea, a crime against piety, family law that each family has to bury their dead, criminals or not, because as bad as they are, they never cease to be human.
No justice. It was made revenge, always wrong. "Vengeance is mine" says the God of the scriptures of the three Abrahamic religions. Now we are under the power of an emperor who weighs about the murder charge. And the crowds necrophilia diminishes us and shames us all.
Leonardo Boff is the author of Fundamentalism, terrorism, religion and peace, Voices 2009.

U.S.: a terrorist nation

Barak Obama - U.S. President - joyfully announced the death ofOsama bin Laden.

Reports surfaced on radio, newspaper, tv and the web mainly to commemorate the death of "Terrorist".

It is a terrorist nation and killed commemorated the death of anenemy. And it will continue to commemorate the death and killingof "enemies", because it is their nature. The Yanque are primarilycovardes.Depois all believe they are - just like Nazi Germany - asuperior race.

It is with sadness that I see so many put up with the "democrats"American heroes, champions of universal morality and ethics,human rights defenders.

Hitler, Nazi leader preached and propagated the theory that theAryans were superior to some people - Jews, blacks, gypsies,etcetera ...-.

Obama, the U.S. leader preaches and practices murders becausethe U.S. thinks is superior to all others who are weaker than themselves.

I want to see them invade, to declare war - war or business - it's Russia or China.

USA, nation coward!

U.S. terrorist nation!

Oh, just one little thing. The death of Osama bin Laden does notmove me nadica anything.


The press in the service of American interests, speaks of terrorists killed in Afghanistan when it is resistant to invasion by the United States that react to your soil as they did when the attacker was the army of the Soviet Union. And there were not terrorists and, yes, democracy advocates, along with Bin Laden, then an ally of the Americans.
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