
A Polícia Federal do Piauí deflagrou ontem, a Operação Estivas, com o objetivo de desbaratar uma quadrilha de roubo de cargas em rodovias federais no Norte e Nordeste do país. 

Foram executados 32 mandados de busca e apreensão e 15 prisões, no Piauí, Ceará, Pará e São Paulo. 

O delegado Janderlyer Gomes, responsável pela ação, afirmou que a quadrilha agia em vários estados e que as tarefas como, assaltos a mão armada,contabilidade e falsificação. eram distribuídas entre seus integrantes.


[...] novidades da Páscoa

Os ovos de Páscoa estão cada vez mais recheados, decorados, refinados, enfim, menos ovos e mais guloseimas! Os trufados são sucesso de público, e tem aqueles que você compra só a metade, que vem repleta de algum doce maravilhoso e bem calórico. Agora até os cupcakes, bolinhos que não param de chamar a atenção do consumidor “formiga”, foram para dentro do ovo. A Munik lança nesta Páscoa um ovo de chocolate ao leite com cupcakes recheados com mousse de chocolate, de 300 gramas, vendido a R$ 29. Há lojas da marca na capital e no interior de São Paulo.

Para os calorentos, a Folie, que vende só na capital paulista, lança um ovo recheado de macarrons com sorvete. Sim! Os franceses macarrons também viraram recheio de ovo de Páscoa. A casca pode ser de chocolate ao leite ou meio amargo e são três opções de sorvete: nata com macaron de brigadeiro, creme com lavanda com macaron de chocolate branco e limão siciliano com macaron de chocolate de origem. Todos têm 1 quilo e são vendidos a R$ 140 cada. O ovo vem com uma mala térmica forrada com gelo seco e com uma colherinha para comer em qualquer lugar. Nhami! Olha a foto abaixo, não tem uma cara ótima?

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Muitos crêem em Jesus

Leitura Orante

Jo 10,31-42

De novo, os judeus pegaram em pedras para apedrejar Jesus. E ele lhes disse: "Eu vos mostrei muitas obras boas da parte do Pai. Por qual delas me quereis apedrejar?" 

Os judeus responderam: "Não queremos te apedrejar por causa de uma obra boa, mas por causa da blasfêmia. Tu, sendo apenas um homem, pretendes ser Deus"!

 Jesus respondeu: "Acaso não está escrito na vossa Lei: 'Eu disse: sois deuses'?... Se a Lei chama deuses as pessoas às quais se dirigiu a palavra de Deus, por que, então, acusais de blasfêmia àquele que o Pai consagrou e enviou ao mundo, só porque disse: 'Eu sou Filho de Deus'?... Mas se eu faço as obras do meu Pai ... crede nas minhas obras, para que saibais e reconheçais que o Pai está em mim e eu no Pai". 

Mais uma vez, procuravam prendê-lo, mas ele escapou das suas mãos. Jesus se retirou de novo para o outro lado do Jordão, para o lugar onde João esteve batizando... E muitos, ali, passaram a crer nele. 

历史上的今天:1874 - 展览标志着印象派运动的开端
1870年普法战争爆发这些先驱。 Bazille被打死在Beaune香格里拉- Rolande,雷诺阿动员;德加开始作为一名志愿者,塞尚退休的普罗旺斯,毕沙罗,莫奈和西斯莱搬到伦敦,在那里,他们满足保罗杜兰德-鲁埃尔。这是在伦敦停留在印象派的演变很大的一步,一方面是因为他们已经建立了联系,经销商作为发现在特纳的光,标志着分析绘画。


Today in History: 1874 - Exhibition marks the beginning of the Impressionist movement

About 30 artists who were not accepted by the jury of the Salon de Paris Official expose themselves decide on April 15, 1874, his works in the studio of photographer Felix Tournachon, better known by his nickname Nadar. The exhibition, organized by "Anonymous Society of Painters, Sculptors and Engravers," was composed of Pissarro, Monet, Sisley, Degas, Renoir, Cezanne, Guillaumin and Berthe Morisot. A few days later, the critic Louis Leroy in a review about the exhibition, spoke of "Impressionists" with reference to the title of a painting by Claude Monet: "Impression soleil levant" (Print of the Rising Sun.)
Earlier in 1863, Edouard Manet painted the most famous painting of his work. Would be exposed in the same year at the Salon des Refuses and critics bothered by the nudity of a woman eating lunch on the grass in the company of two men dressed. In this work, "Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe, Manet breaks with academic techniques to use with the original characteristics of what would be the impressionism.
The Impressionist style of painting was characterized mainly by concentrating on the general impression produced by a scene or object and the use of primary colors without mixing them and small strokes to simulate actual reflected light.Moreover, the shadows are no longer opaque, disappear the light-dark contrasts. His subjects were landscapes, dances, scenes of daily life, portraits and self portraits, regattas, seascapes and inland urban scenes.
Impressionism was a major artistic movement, first in the fine arts and later in music (Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel) that developed mainly in France during the last decades of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, more concentrated between 1867 and 1886 by work of a group of artists who shared between them themes, techniques and exhibitions. The principal Impressionist painters were Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro, Alfred Sisley, Berthe Morisot, Armand Guillaumin and Frederic Bazille.
Edgar Degas and Paul Cézanne also painted in an Impressionist style for a time in the early 1870s.The well known painter Edouard Manet, whose work of the 1860s greatly influenced Monet and others of the group, also approached the impressionism in 1873.
The founders of Impressionism were animated by the desire to break with the official art. The official theory that the colors should be placed in neat screen rather than mixing them on the palette would be respected by a few of them and only a short time. In fact, Impressionism was more a state of mind than a technique, so that artists from other areas could also be described as impressionistic.Many of these painters ignored the rule of simultaneous contrast as established by Chevreul in 1823. The terms "independent" or "outdoor painters" might be more appropriate to classify those that Impressionist artists carrying on the tradition inherited from Eugène Delacroix, who considered that the design and colors were a whole.
The Franco-Prussian War of 1870 broke these pioneers. Bazille was killed in Beaune-la-Rolande, Renoir was mobilized; Degas started as a volunteer; Cézanne retired to Provence, Pissarro, Monet and Sisley moved to London where they meet Paul Durand-Ruel. This stay in London was a big step in the evolution of Impressionism, both because they have established contact with 'dealers' as found in the painting of Turner's analysis of the light that marked.
Back in Paris, most of the painters went to work at Argenteuil (Monet, Renoir), Chatou (Renoir), Marly (Sisley), or on the river Oise (Pissarro, Guillaumin, Cézanne). Edouard Manet painted the Seine with Claude Monet who, under his influence, adopted the outdoor work.
The biggest difference between them lay in the attraction of color and taste for light. However, Berthe Morisot remained faithful to the lessons of Manet, Degas merged his admiration of Ingres and the Italian Renaissance painters, Cézanne tried to grasp the nature of Poussin, Claude Monet himself, in the tables "Terrasse au Havre" and "Les Femmes au jardin (1866, Louvre, Jeu de Paume halls), was far audacity to announce his future.





Brazilians are more fat. Over the past 30 years, therate of children aged 5 to 9 years are overweighthas nearly tripled. In the United States, thecampaign against childhood obesity engaged bythe first lady Michelle Obama, who launched theLet's Move (Let's Mix). There, one in three childrenis overweight. Here, research conducted inpartnership between IBGE and the Ministry ofHealth revealed similar statistics. Today, about33.5% of children with weight above that recommended by the World Health Organization(WHO). In the 70s, the rate was 10.7% for boysand 8.6% for girls.

The fattening of the statistics is linked to pooreating habits, and especially to an increasinglysedentary routine. Professor of the Centre forAssistance and Support to Adolescent Unifesp,the pediatrician and nutrition specialist FisbergMauro says the school is one of the majorinfluences on eating behavior of children. In the interview, he explains that a good school environment needs to provide adequate food,physical activity to teach, guide and control thefeeding of their students. Nor can leave asidethose who already exhibit overweight. All thiswithout forgetting that the pleasure of eating is also part of the menu.