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Mostrando postagens com marcador Diplomacy. Mostrar todas as postagens

Rússia conceder asilo político a Snowden significa o que?

A diplomacia americana ficou "desapontada" e afirmou: "isso mina uma longa tradição de cooperação no cumprimento da lei". 

Por que não ameaçou publicamente a Rússia, como teria feito com qualquer outro país - com exceção da China -?..

Porque o presidente Putin quis deixar bem claro para Obama e Cia que a hegemonia americana, o poder dos EUA é mais propaganda que realidade. A Rússia sabe muito bem o poder que tem e fará uso do mesmo quando necessário.


Foreign Ministry:

"The Brazilian government has taken note of the publication, today, April 8, the annual report of theU.S. State Department on Human Rights. The Brazilian government does not comment on the contents of reports made ​​unilaterally by countries, based on legislation and criteria household, by which such countries are attributed position ofevaluators in the situation of human rightsworldwide. Such assessments do not include the situation in their own territories and other areassubject to its jurisdiction in fact. Brazil reiterates itsstrong commitment to international systems human rights, which participates in a transparent andconstructive. Brazil will remain engaged,particularly in the Universal Periodic Reviewmechanism of the Human Rights Council, a bodycreated to assess human rights situations incountries of the United Nations. "


The former minister Celso Amorim can always expect changes in the direction of the winds, but will the strong wind against him dropped this government Rousseff. The new administration is keen to use the vocabulary-of-left field with the previous mark in the connection between human rights and international relations.
Amorim is an internationally recognized professional diplomat, and she was convinced of what he did at the chancery. For justice, say that he only radicalized a historical orientation of the Foreign Ministry. Put human rights at the forefront never been our policy in foreign relations.
Neither the governments of the PSDB, a strong critic of the administration Amorim.
But the issue ended up taking importance in the presidential race of 2010, opened an interesting one to occupy the opposition. And the signs are that Dilma decided to close the highway, take the matter to her and avoid the widening gap between the PT and the slice of society that is more sensitive to the agenda.
The change is also helpful in rebuilding some bridges with the so-called West. With Lula in Brazil has just pushed an unsuccessful attempt-to-leadership of the Third World, with Dilma things seem to go a more multiple.
If diplomacy is ace Amorim (second only goal who kicks the goal), you still need to enroll in prep for college entrance exam policy that Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was a postdoc. Amorim has lacked any sense of opportunity, some coldness. Has spent a lot receipt.
It only took the wind changes and the former president left the faithful chancellor, who now tries to explain myself why Brazil has one hand on the head of Iran that not only denies the Holocaust, also shows willingness to promote a second genocide of those proportions (or first, in particular accounts of the Ayatollahs).
The problem is Amorim explained, but the Dilma is more complex. She needs to run such a policy in practice. The contract began in March of Admiral, with Brazil parading in a UN vote against Iran
The second time was more complicated, since Brazil has decided to stay on the fence when the Security Council voted to Libyan intervention in the crisis.
Now comes the third movement. Rousseff going to China, which has a litany of shortcomings in the area. Dissidents arrested, refuses to hear claims to autonomy for minorities, restrictions on freedom to use the internet. Not a shadow of freedom of expression or association, or party.
In the classic bias of Brazilian diplomacy output would be easy. They are China's internal affairs, and is worth more to establish good relations to influence the dialogue and without stridency.
Brazil does not give lessons to anyone, because neither accepts the other lessons.
All well and good, but here the need to call Chancellor Celso Amorim, and not Antonio Patriota. And does not match the costumes designed for Dilma, the president who supposedly does not tolerate assaults on human rights because it was itself the victim of such things in the past.
Will look bad if China Dilma pass by without even touching the subject. It will raise questions about the line between conviction and marketing in politics dilmista human rights globally.
Truth to mess seriously with China is not a habit or between major powers. Brazil has always argued that our potential can only play a cynical behavior spread.
But there is a difference. Outside the U.S., we are the only global leader who is now a matter of bragging centrality of human rights in the way we relate to others.
by Alon Feuerwerker