Gabrielli of Petrobras leads the way in government Dilma Rousseff

Petrobras President Jose Sergio Gabrielli, you should follow in office during the tenure of Rousseff. According to a source of future government team of PT, "for now, as is." Asked how long he would remain ahead of the company, the source said "it is not being discussed now."

Besides Gabrielli, other names on the government's economic area of Dilma are already defined. The central bank president will be the economist Alexandre Gaucho Tombini. Analysts say his line of thinking than the current president, Henrique Meirelles, and is more akin to the Minister of Finance, Guido Mantega.

Mantega is another name defined as a government minister Dilma. The Genoese who came to Brazil when she was 3 years follow in the Ministry of Finance. Their maintenance is seen as a major sign of continuity in government Rousseff. He held the post since March 2006 when he replaced Antonio Palocci.

The Secretary for Strategic Affairs will be the former governor of Rio Wellington Moreira Franco. He has served as Vice President of Lottery Funds and the Caixa Economica Federal. He left the box to participate as a representative of the PMDB, the coordination of campaign Dilma.

The Ministry of Mines of Energy will have its front Edson Lobao (PMDB-MA). In office between January 2008 and March 2010, the senator is linked to the political group of Senate President Jose Sarney (PMDB-MA), Boden is part of the PMDB in the quota allocation of seats.

The RN Garibaldi Alves Filho lead the Ministry of Welfare. Referred by Renan Calheiros (PMDB-AL), the journalist leaves the door open for José Sarney (PMDB-PA) re-run for the Senate presidency in 2011 because it wanted to contest the post if not take over the ministry.

The Minister of Agriculture will be the former president of the National Supply Company (Conab) Wagner Rossi. He took over the Ministry in March 2010 following the departure of Reinhold Stephanes.

The Secretary for Fisheries will Ideli Salvatti. Professor, militancy began in the 1980s, occupying the presidency of the Union of Education Workers and the treasury of the Central Unica dos Trabalhadores (CUT) of Santa Catarina.

Congressman Pedro Novais Lima (PMDB-MA), 80, will be the Minister of Tourism. In his current term in the House, Novak is the owner of the Finance and Taxation Committee and an alternate on Foreign Relations and National Defense.

The first measures the government Dilma Rousseff

All support to the series of economic measures that the Lula government, through the current and future finance minister, Guido Mantega, announced to encourage long-term loans and finance companies in the country, its development and financial modernization. In practice, and even announced in the Lula administration, these measures constitute the first area of the economy to be implemented early in his administration Rousseff in two weeks.
"The goal - explained the Minister - is to facilitate long-term credit, always scarce in the country. In the past, made no difference, because there were few projects financed by. The term was in the past five years to eight years. But with the development cycle that we have deployed in recent years has increased the need to finance long term projects. "
Already today, recognized the owner of the farm, there is greater demand for projects and, therefore, there is also a greater need for funding. "Today, there are projects that require funding of 20, 25 or 30 years. We want to enter a new phase, so that the private sector also may finance, sharing this task with BNDES," he explained. The Treasury Department classifies as a major stimulus package already established to encourage the increased terms of private debt in the country.
It is now lower interest rates
These initiatives have every reason to work and can work as long as interest rates fall, so that the long-term investments become more profitable than bonds. The Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM) of the Central Bank (BC), may well take its first meeting of new year - also the 1st of the new government - in the second half of January to overturn the Selic rate (10.75% today ).
The announced measures, containment of budget expenditures costing - not investment - which will be set at the beginning of the year and a decline in interest rates are the three ingredients necessary for us to have a peaceful and successful start of government, continuity the Lula administration, which during its eight years, economic growth, employment, income and social inclusion of our population.
Moreover, as stressed in the event of the magazine "Isto" in Sao Paulo yesterday, the president assumes that on June 1, Rousseff, to predict that Brazil will maintain economic growth in coming years. "I believe in Brazil, I think this is our moment, this will undoubtedly be our decade," he said. At the ceremony, Dilma thanked his election to the "millions who have realized that it is possible to transform Brazil, making it a great middle class country."

States have already retaliated

The Senate extended for another year (until the end of 2011) the import tariff imposed on ethanol, of 54 cents per gallon (equivalent to 3.78 liters), and also the 45 cents per gallon ethanol mixed with gasoline. The decisions have direct impact on our producers because the focus on Brazilian ethanol produced from sugar cane and entering the U.S., a country that produces most of that corn-based fuel.

Besides the value of that benefit, our exporters also pay a fee of nine cents per gallon to sell ethanol to the U.S.. Approved by the U.S. Senate this 4th Monday (yesterday) the measures still must be voted in the House of Representatives them.

But there's more to think and Brazil as not hesitate: you must apply immediately retaliate and go to international courts, to use World Trade Organization (WTO) against the exaggeration of the U.S. trade protectionism. The WTO has even given us win the case when we use against the subsidy that Washington intended to their cotton producers.

The producers of our ethanol is already some time ago asking the Foreign Ministry to start the process of consultations at the WTO and the time is more than suitable for doing so.
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Dilma e Temer serão diplomados amanhã

A presidente Dilma Rousseff, e o vice, Michel Temer, serão diplomados amanhã pelo TSE - Tribunal Superior Eleitoral -, em cerimônia às 17 horas, na sede do tribunal, em Brasília.
A diplomação atesta a vitória nas urnas e torna os eleitos aptos a serem empossados no dia 1º de janeiro de 2011, no Congresso Nacional.
A participação na cerimônia é restrita a convidados - um total de 250 pessoas entre autoridades, familiares e amigos dos diplomados.
Apenas 100 deles poderão assistir à cerimônia do plenário.
Os demais serão transferidos para o auditório do TSE, no segundo andar do prédio, por causa da limitação de espaço no plenário.
A expectativa é de que a cerimônia dure, no máximo, uma hora.

O presidente do tribunal, ministro Ricardo Lewandowski, fará a abertura da sessão solene.

Após a entrada de Dilma e Temer no plenário, haverá a execução do Hino Nacional e em seguida um breve discurso da presidente.

Dilma e Temer receberão os cumprimentos no salão ao lado do plenário.

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Jorge Armando Félix:
O Brasil tem de se acostumar a sacos de corpos voltando da guerra
A frase acima foi proferida pelo ministro do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional, general Jorge Armando Félix, para explicar que o Brasil tem que “pagar um preço” se quer ser uma liderança mundial. Segundo o relato do embaixador Clifford Sobel, a conversa se deu em janeiro de 2007, como ele detalhou em um telegrama  enviado ao Departamento de Estado às 16:40 do dia 15 de fevereiro de 2007, que será publicado hoje pelo WikiLeaks.
O telegrama secreto descreve um jantar oferecido pelo embaixador a Félix e ao Subchefe-Executivo do GSI, o General-de-Divisão Rubem Peixoto Alexandre.
Na pauta, o pedido da diplomacia para que Félix intermediasse um encontro entre a ministra-chefe da Casa Civil Dilma Rousseff e o advogado-geral americano – além da perspectiva do Brasil colaborar com a Otan, aliança militar que inclui países da Europa e os Estados Unidos.

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“Félix estava relaxado e falando francamente, enquanto Alexandre permaneceu em silêncio durante a maior parte da noite”,  descreveu Sobel. Ele perguntou sobre os benefícios do Brasil colaborar militarmente com a Otan.

“Felix pareceu circunspecto e disse que os brasileiros devem encarara o fato de que ‘um preço deve ser pago’ para obter um papel de liderança global. 

O Brasil deve estar disposto a modernizar e empregar suas forças em operações internacionais e confrontar a perspectiva de ‘sacos de corpos retornando ao Brasil. Félix disse que, tanto pessoalmente quanto como militar, ele acreditava que era chegada a hora do Brasil pagar o preço e assumir a posição de liderança no cenário global”, narra o telegrama.
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Dilma convidou todos ex-companheiros de prisão para a posse

A presidente Dilma Rousseff incluiu na lista de convidados para a sua posse, no dia 1º de janeiro, todos seus ex-companheiros de prisão.

O cerimonial do Itamaraty já enviou os convites.

Dilma tem um carinho muito grande por seus ex-colegas de prisão e faz questão da presença de todos eles na posse.

Dilma esteve presa por quase três anos, de 1970 a 1972, inclusive no temido DOPS, de São Paulo.



- These accusations have affected the noble fellow?
- Very! My oranges called quitting.

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